

God never gives you a season without a reason.

What season of life are you in right now?

Sometimes raising children isn’t easy (at least for me anyway). We try and try and never seem to measure up to what we think we should be as a parent. Comparing, relating, trying, failing, succeeding. Or maybe you are rocking it and feeling beyond confident that your kids are and will be the best. 

 Or maybe our marriage doesn’t quite look like we thought it would when we dreamt of it long ago. Or maybe it is the life you have worked so hard at and are sharing it with your best friend by your side. 

Or maybe we don’t see our life measuring up to what we had hoped it should be.  Or we are accomplishing our dreams and aspirations and yearning for much much morez 

Or maybe our friendships and relationships aren’t as strong a deeply connected as we want.  Or possibly they are just as perfect as you had hoped and you have the best of friends that you share life with. 

Whatever the case is for you on your life journey, it is so important to find Grace in the moments we have and share with others. It may not be perfect or look the way we dreamed, but it’s what our life is made of.

Parenting isn’t easy and every new day presents challenges that we must face and overcome. It also has so many joys that we also need to slow down and breath in before its too late. When your first kid is on the way EVERYONE tells you- time goes by so fast enjoy it. And to be honest you kind of roll your eyes at it... until one day you wake up and see your 5 year old dressed and ready for school and think (silently and in awe) all those people were right.

Marriage takes work EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. God didn’t intend for married life to be easy and happy and no work at all. He gave us every tool possible to search for Him and develop our marital bond into the strongest relationship we can possibly have with someone because of His love. Find a way to make your high seasons higher and your low seasons less frequent. Take the time to say I love you. Take the time to share, truly share, your life with your spouse— not just the every day hustle stuff. Remember every day why you chose them to spend forever with. 

Make your life goals a priority. So many moms (myself included) have gotten lost in being a mom or a wife or student or whatever title you have and we don’t know how to move forward into what our heart desires. This is sad for us! Take time in every day to discover who you are, what you enjoy, and what you desire from life. It WILL make you more patient, loving, caring, and present when younallow yourself a mental break from the grime and feed your soul. 

friendships.. oh y’all do i struggle with this one. It’s sad truthfully. We all of course live life and we are “busy”... but won’t we always be busy unless we MAKE the time for them? Isn’t it important to carve out time for ourselves, spouses, children, & our friends? These are the people we look to for guidance, comfort, laughter, and so much more. As I get older and I discover more about myself, I know just how much having a true friend that you can always call on means. Seek out friendships that challenge you to grow, be the best version of yourself, and are willing to catch you when you stumble (ya know, cuz you had too much wine!)

If we stop comparing our life to others or to a fairy tale, I am certain, we would all find our life is amazing and fulfilling in the ways that make our heart happy. Some of us love the beach, while others the mountains, and still others somewhere in between. 

Be grateful for every moment.

Give thanks to the good

Enjoy the little moments

Think of all the people you are grateful for, have you thanked them? Do they know how much they impact your life? What’s stopping you from telling them right now?


Fighter in me

I was once told my strongest quality is I am a fighter. Not the fighter that punches people or gets angry easily. Rather a fighter that does not allow myself to fail or settle for less than what I deserve.

Life is an experience and a learning process. Sometimes we have to get knocked down only to get back up and fight even harder to push away life's negativity. Every morning we make a choice on how to spend the rest of our day, either in a great mood or a bad one. We make the choice to let the little things bother us or not. Each day life will present us with negative energy and we have to make the choice to push it away and accept only the positive energy. For the positive is what allows us to have a good day, to find new passions, enjoy exciting adventures, explore new endeavors, meet new people, and so much more. We have to learn the things that bring us joy and fill our days with them. Experiences are what makes life, well...life. So experience away and enjoy every moment of it because this is your life and why waste it on negativity and being angry? Who says life has to be full of anguish and demise?

How can life be made more simple? What is the true value of it? It can be made more simple by the sheer pleasure of enjoying what life has to offer and not drown yourself with the bad. Life is extremely valuable to us all; it is what connects us all. On a path of self discovery, I have learned such an incredible amount about myself. New things I can endure, power I possess within me, the light and energy I can bring to a room, the depth of my inner thoughts. I have a feeling that my life is going to be a great one and that makes me live and breathe each moment in and progress to the next step of my life. I do not need to be rich and I do not need material items, but I do want to grow as a person and find myself in odd situations with people I would have never thought possible. I want to travel to countries only to discover the way the locals live in their society--to be completely immersed into one’s culture.

Do you find yourself wanting more out of life? To discover that inner zone of "happiness"