
Right where I’m meant to be

Have you ever thought to yourself or out loud... What am I supposed to do? Where do I belong in this world? What are my goals? Who am I? Oh the/my list could go on and on. 

The one I have been asking myself lately is “Is this where I am meant to be?” Am I doing the things God has planned for me or am I taking the longer path back to His?  

With more clarity over the last few weeks, and with intentional listening ears, God has let me know I am just where He needs me to be. And truly I have never felt more at ease allowing Him to work in my heart and soul the way He dreams of doing with each of us.

Nearly ten weeks ago I began a journey to become a yoga instructor. A dream/desire put in my heart long ago. The timing never felt right or things just never worked out the way I was planning (see that— the way I was planning.. not the way God was planning). I know now without a shred of doubt I needed to wait for my heart to be open to accepting God the way I do now. To wait and follow His timing for me to become a teacher when He knew I was ready for it. How do I know this? The program I joined was called Holy Yoga and to my surprise (no idea why- I knew it was about God!) we did a five week intense bible study focusing on our relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. My perspective changed, i changed, I have grown. So many times I used to say oh I dont have enough time to read the Bible or I don’t fully understand what I am reading so that takes me longer to read a section. Whatever my excuse was, that has changed. God makes time for us, ALL of us, everyday. Each time we call Him by name, He is there listening. 

Four weeks ago I began a discipleship group at my church with other ladies of our congregation. Some I had the pleasure of doing RCIA with over the last year, others I had never met, and still some that I met through attending church. At first, my thoughts told me I wasn’t knowledgeable enough about the Bible to join. I didn’t know the stories. I don’t know the order of the chapters of the Bible. I havent attended church long enough in my adult life to be a worthy member of the group- I lacked things to bring to the table. Truth is, none of those things matter/mattered. I was fearful, and scared- but embracing where God has lead me on my faith journey- I also knew better then to listen to the negativity that can envelope our world so quickly, instead I just did it. I jumped both feet in first and have enjoyed each class so much. I missed class last night because I was busy packing up all the fun things for our camping trip. When I woke up this morning at 6am (this isnt an everyday/anyday occurrence for me), all the last minute packing jitters subsided, and I yearned for the knowledge of being with those ladies last night. I wanted to know their thoughts and discussions from our lesson this week. 

Life isn’t always easy. Often times we aren’t where we are supposed to be. God loves us anyway and is so ready for us to jump back into His arms anytime we are ready. So... Embrace and rejoice in the valleys of life, that is where we grow! 

Are you where you’re supposed to be? Are you following your chosen path? What are you struggling with right now that is in your way? 

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