
Season of Giving

It seems as though the month of December has flown by. Can anyone else believe it is already the 18th?? This time of year is a favorite of mine. The possibility of snow (which it did snow for a few hours yesterday, first snow of the season!), the hot cocoa, my all day latte's, the smell of my fresh-cut tree and wood fires, but most of all it's getting the spend time with family and friends. Throughout most of the year we can come up with "excuses" and how we are so "busy" and just can not find the time to see each other as often as we should. But for whatever reason, it get's time for Thanksgiving and Christmas and everyone starts showing up! I love it.

In the spirit of giving, I have been trying to come up with ways to show my daughter, Breelyn, the importance of giving to others, especially those in need. She is two (nearly three) and so the whole process of sharing is a little crazy, far-fetched, unheard of new for her. I get "the look" right before she wants to snatch a toy from another child's hand. For those of you without kids, this look I refer to basically means "mom, if he/she doesn't give me my toy (or the toy I want) then I will either push them down or scream and throw a fit." Over the last few months she has truly done well and shares her toys and plays well with others most of the time. Of course, there are toys that not even mom is allowed to play with. She's set her boundaries for all toys!!

Anyway, in the spirit of giving, along with upcoming holidays of more gifts to come and her birthday, I decided it would be nice to donate some of her old toys from when she was a baby or that she no longer plays with. Once a week we are choosing a toy or two and donating it to a local organization called The Lighthouse Outreach Center. During my college courses, I took a nonprofit organization class and a classmate chose the Lighthouse as her focus. I encourage local readers to look them up and see if they are a place you feel compelled to donate to as well. It's truly refreshing to know a small city, like the one I live in, has an organization that purely donates it's time and resources to bettering the lives of the people they take in. Occasionally, they have young children that come in with parents who do not have a place to live and not a toy to call their own.

I want Breelyn to know the power of giving, no matter how big or small it may seem to us. Sometimes when we get caught up in the focus of our "wish list" we forget about the other side of receiving and that is to give. Give our love, give our time, give what we are able. I hope that by starting this small gift of her precious toys, Breelyn see's the difference she can make in another less fortunate child's life.

Any success stories for teaching toddlers the importance of giving? Any special ways you celebrate for the holidays? Let me know traditions you enjoy or have enjoyed passing on to your children.

Merry Christmas from us!!