Practicing stillness isn’t always easy in the every hustle bustle of our current generation. BUT this is the start of a new decade and beginning it with a whole lot of mindful stillness sounds like a great way to start it. Do you need some stillness, but have no idea where to start? It’s okay! I had no idea either, but with practice and some tools you’ll be on your way to a better version of the great person you already are.
First, we have to know how to cultivate an environment for stillness. Some suggestions: Set a timer for a few minutes without technology or distraction, maybe it looks like you reading a book for a few minutes, go for a walk with nothing but your thoughts, do some simple resting yoga poses, say a prayer or perhaps a tea break?! Whatever suits you best- do that. Staying true to who you are is key to continuing this habit in the months to come.
Here are five simple steps to help you jump start on creating more thoughtful stillness.
Whatever cultivating method you have chosen (seriously choose one!), do that now and close your eyes for a mental reset
Take a moment to assess the way your feeling? Are you happy, angry, tired, calm, anxious, joyful? What do you need to change this state of mind?
Assess how you’re day/week has been going so far? Are you distracted, focused, busy, hurried?
Sit with all of these feelings for a moment. Don’t develop judgement against them. Just be curious about them. NOW, face each one- just for a moment to say “I acknowledge you” and then ask yourself “What mental pattern caused this?”
Can you feel gratitude in this moment? Take a few deep breaths: inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth a few times to reset yourself.
Notice how you feel. Allow yourself to get back to your day with your renewed stillness and have a better day!
Some questions to ponder:
What are you dreaming of and your thoughts are preventing you from achieving and chasing?
Are you living out the best version of yourself possible? What’s stopping you?
What are you spending your time on? Is it productive to the life you wish for yourself?
Feel like your in a rut and cannot get out?
Are you taking time for yourself? Like really enjoying the things you love from life?